Go Tell What Good Things God has Done For You…

We never see a place in the Word where we are instructed to go tell others about all our sin before we knew Jesus. Yet this is what so many believers do. Has God required it or does He want it? I don’t think so. Jesus didn’t tell the man healed to go tell others all about his sin . He told the healed man to go and tell what good things God has done for him. We should do likewise.

Some love to speak of their sin and in specifics. I would say that this is a strange thing. I can’t even think of my sin, it makes me sick and sad. I want to think of forgiveness and the goodness of God. This makes me happy. My sin isn’t extraordinary and neither is yours. It isn’t worth examining or savoring. It is as vomit on the ground, why do I want to go visit it like a dog does? I was a run of the mill, ordinary, typical sinner dead in trespasses and sin. The lovely thing is that Jesus looked upon me with pity and He saved me!!!!! Thats all I have to say.

And you know what? That will lead others to Him, my sin won’t. It’s not worth mentioning. So let’s not. It’s understood.

Praise His holy name instead. Let’s do that and spend our time being salt and light.

Bless You Lord, our God!

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