Heaven’s Currency

Righteousness! This is the only currency of Heaven and the only thing that spends there and here for the believer.

As we watch the stock market plummet these past few days in this, the end of February 2020, I can’t help but think that wealth can come and wealth can go here on earth…which is what God has told us. But the wealth of Heaven is forever.

A good steward in the Kingdom of God stores up treasures in Heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy. But how do we store up treasures in Heaven? The Bible tells us that also…our righteous acts and obedience to the Spirit of God, expressed through the word of God!

When we abide in Christ, obey Him, we then can produce fruit for the Kingdom of God. This is our currency from God and it is spendable here on earth but it is also spendable in Heaven when we arrive there. Will we arrive with nothing stored up for us or with great treasures? It’s our choice. That’s what is so great. It is our choice.

What am I doing with what God has given to me? Have I hoarded it for myself, feasting sumptuously and forgetting others? It’ll all vanish one day. Am I pouring out what He has given to me to glorify His name and to feed and bless others…using all the gifts He has poured out to me? Then it is stored up in Heaven for me.

Righteousness spends in the kingdom of God here and then. It is incorruptible currency and God is the One who controls the economy.

Whatever you have today, whatever you do today, do in His name, for His glory and with His Spirit guiding you, and you are storing up treasure in Heaven, where moth and rust cannot destroy.
Build your wealth today. Walk in righteousness, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and your neighbor as yourself, and live like a king here and now.

Even if all my possessions are taken from me here, there are eternal riches that nothing can touch of I walk with Jesus Christ and serve Him alone. Thank You Lord!!
We know that all things in Him are “yes” and in Him “Amen”. But what is the caviat? In Him! Is it in Him? Then it is Yes!


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