The Knowledge of God more than sacrifice

God desires that we have the knowledge of Him, more than we sacrifice anything to or for Him. Think on that. Doesn’t that give your heart tremendous freedom and sweetness to ponder it?

It is human nature and I would say unredeemed human nature, to imagine that I can just appease God by doing things like going to church, do this, do that, all things that have an appearance of godliness, and never seek to gain the KNOWLEDGE PF GOD, and that this pleases Him.

No. Would it please you? It would crush my heart. I would rather my husband, my children, my friends seek to know me. They can give me things, be guarded around me and do what they think I might like, serve me by bringing me things, making a way for me, etc, but if they never stop to look at me, hear me, love me, know me, it’s all emptiness. It’s all such sad emptiness but that’s where most people dwell concerning God.

Stop it. Know Him. Know Him. Know Him.

How, You say? I know that answer. I can’t tell you. I could, but you wouldn’t hear. It’s not a prescription or a recipe or a procedure. You find it out. Go ask.

Heavens, how did you bond with your spouse? How did you find out who they were? How did you bond with your children? How did you find out who they were? How?
“ For I desired mercy, not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings…” (Hosea 6:6).

God is saying His greatest desire is that YOU gain the knowledge of God. How AWESOME that is! Go get it, will you!


Help for overwhelming feelings of dread…

God. Turn to Him. He is Jesus Christ. Turn to Him. He said that perfect love casts out fear. It does. I’ve known it. Right now, instead of following the path of that dread feeling, love someone. Recognize that the feeling you are overwhelmed by is fear. It’s just general fear. Love God right now and the fear will stop. Close your eyes and love God. Walk in it. Thank Him for it. Be transformed by Him.
Perfect love casts out fear.

Thank you Lord,


New Heavens, and the New Earth…New Jerusalem

What is meant by New Jerusalem? What is meant by the new heavens and the new earth that the Bible closes with? It’s so crucial to know. The Bible actually tells us and we need to know what they are.

Oh Daniel, much beloved are you…

Gabriel says this to Daniel as he was praying to God for understanding of the vision God have to him concerning Israel and the last days. God sent Gabriel to explain everything to Daniel. As soon as he could, he flew swiftly to Daniel, appeared to him, and gave him his answer. Daniel’s prophecy is one of the most comprehensive and astounding prophecies in the word of God.

In chapter 9, Gabriel says this: “…I have come to show you, because you are greatly beloved: therefore, understand the matter…”. Then Gabriel proceeds to answer Daniel and to make him know the meaning of it.
But examine what Gabriel said: Daniel, it is because you are greatly beloved by God that He sent me to make you understand. Now, because you are greatly beloved, here is the meaning…”

But is this surprising? It’s not. God shows us all through the word that He confides in those who fear Him. What does it mean to fear God? It means total surrender to God…preferring His will over my own and choosing it always. God can chat with us then. He can confide in us then. Isn’t that wonderful. He is looking all throughout the earth for such as these. Be one of them today. It’s your choice.

Bless the Lord

The wrath of God

in the last 3.5 years of Daniel’s 70th week comes upon the apostate church first then stretches to the whole godless world. Just as it did come first upon Israel when they turned from God, so it will be with the church.
Here in the USA, we see a nation totally corrupt and the believers who follow God can get furious with the godless. But God’s wrath and judgment are directed first at the apostate church who has joined the world system, then to the godless world. It is not first to the world system. It’s directed at the harlot… the apostate church. They are the first reason for and the first object of His wrath.

The church that has joined the world is the responsible party…all over the world. So we see some church that is rich and pretends to know God?? That’s the object of the judgment we see. Don’t look at the ignorant masses or the proclaimed godless, though they are just as corrupt. Don’t look at the wicked media who are pushing communism. Don’t look at the corrupt companies that infiltrate our TVs with their wicked ads pushing their wicked agendas. No. Look to the say nothing, do nothing, world joining apostate church. That is the target.
“Come out of her My people”

Who is Mystery Babylon?

The apostate church. That’s easy to see. The Bible gives us so many clues. But here is what I see: The harlot riding the beast in Revelation is an adulteress. She once belonged to God but doesn’t now. Or at least the portion in the professed church who have fallen after the world system ( so they never were the church) do not belong to Him.

Christmas and easter make up a complete system of Babylonian pagan worship as I mentioned in the two previous posts. Just a little study, and excellent commentary, by all the cloud of witnesses who have gone before us, takes us all the way back to the Tower of Babel where we see these two holidays practiced and worshipped.
The combination of the two or the union of the two as the main tenants of today’s Christianity, have produced offspring. She is Mystery Babylon. She is apostate. She has gone after other gods, namely the sun god at christmas and the fertility sex goddess of easter. It’s not a mystery at all.
What are we told to do as God’s people concerning the last day Mystery Babylon? Come out of her. Leave her. Depart from her. Leave the sexual immorality and the idol worship that caused it behind.
Oh that the true church would see the wickedness that the apostate church has been steeped in for so long and thought it fine with God. Lord open our eyes to worship You alone in purity of heart.


Is Christmas just a phalic symbol that is part and parcel with Easter a fertility symbol?

Absolutely! The two pagan holidays are two parts of a satanic whole and the church is blind to it…yet the church is and has been victim to it.

We have Christmas which is not ordered by God and in fact is anti-God. The main symbol is a tree, a definite phalic symbol representing the male god saturn ( the sun god) or whoever ( doesn’t matter even). The female counterpart to this pagan god worship is easter whose main symbol is an egg and all that pertains to prolific production ( worship of spring). What makes everything grow according to paganism? The sun.

It is not a stretch. It is not a goofy concept. It is not innocent. It is severely wicked. The church is knee deep in it. Satan always focuses sexual sin on children first. Corrupt before they can think. Corrupt early. Make it look innocent. Interweave them so tightly in the participation that they are unwilling to break loose of it. They are captive.
The corruption in Noah’s day was sexual. The corruption in the last days and all throughout time is sexual in origin. The last days are so sexually corrupt that it’s unbearable. That’s what we see today. It’s everywhere.
In Mystery Babylon, who is the mother of fornicators ( sexually immoral, corrupt), adulteresses, we see this in its completion. Our little children are being corrupted in the school system with vile things. Human trafficking is in the news this afternoon and no one cares. Tv is so corrupt, even the commercials are vile, no one cares. Perversion has overtaken almost everything… Shows, songs, clothing, sports, news, politics, everything.
The union of pagan christmas with pagan easter has produced the harlot who rides the beast in Revelation.

There is no repentance. There is no acknowledgment of it. It has thoroughly corrupted most of the church with a tiny remnant not part and parcel with it.

Lord Jesus, help us. Open the eyes of the blind today. You have told us to remove ourselves from this mystery Babylon. But oh God we are the largest part of it. The woman on the beast is an adulteress. Have mercy on us Lord and open our eyes today. Press true hearts toward You to remove ourselves from this corruption and impurity today.

Easter and sexual sin…?

I have a thought. I am not setting this forth as doctrine but as a point to ponder and filter through the word of God.

Passover celebrates the crucifixion and resurrection and ascension. We know the exact days.

The apostate church replaced it with Easter. Easter is on the wrong days. The apostate church changed times and seasons. Easter worships the goddess of sex. When we engage our families and our children in Easter bunnies, Easter eggs (all symbols of the worship of the sex goddess) we invite demonic forces into our households and these demonic forces are bent on corrupting your children and your marriage and our entire family with sexual sin. How? You have invited the sex goddess to come have dominion over your family and life.

Is there any wonder that even the church is victim to this? Is there? Just think about it.

Lord Jesus open the eyes of the blind this day that they might put down their idols and worship the One true God in single minded holiness and delight to do Your will, Oh Lord. Cleanse You’re people from this unholy thing we call Easter.

…Do this in remembrance of Me…remembering My death till I return…

He was speaking of the Passover. Are we required? Heavens no. Paul tells us that no holiday is forced on anyone. Are we missing a lovely opportunity to worship Him and edify ourselves in truth? Yes, absolutely we are. Bless the Lord!

When God tells us not to let anyone tell us which days are holy but that each man is responsible to God alone, there is a caviat. He says, but let each man be sure. In other words, you make your own decision based on your conscience…but make sure you are sure. We are responsible for the light we have.

In Jesus’ name,


Seek peace and pursue it…

But Jesus also said this: “ Don’t think I came to bring peace. I came to bring a sword … and fire, and how I wish it were already kindled…”

How do we reconcile these two instructions? Here’s how:

Peace is only from Jesus. But His peace is an effect and not a cause. That’s the difference. If you seek to cause peace you will fail. But if you seek to walk in Christ Jesus, peace will come to you as a bi-product of godliness.
So a person who hates controversy will not walk in godliness, but they will always avoid difficult things and always be looking for peace. They will never find it. This person will make godless choices and have godless opinions in order to find the peace they desperately seek. They will compromise and avoid suffering, all for the sake of this peace they seek. When Jesus said to seek peace and pursue it, He meant to live godly in Christ Jesus, and it will come to us that way, as an effect of obedience and godliness.

A peace seeker or peace keeper, will agree with homosexuality because it’s too hard to argue against it. They will agree with women teaching men in the church because it is peace-less to argue against it. They will follow godless traditions of men in their lives because it’s too difficult not to. On it goes.

Peace comes only to those to whom it is determined…the saints in the light. Be one today. His sword and fire are on the way. This earth is destined to burn up one day at His hand, making way for the New Heavens and New Earth. It can’t come quickly enough.


The Happiest Person…

Is the obedient believer. The most unhappy person is the disobedient believer. I have no more to say.

Isn’t this incentive then to obey God with all my heart, soul, mind and strength? It is. Go and do that then, Christian.

Bless His name.