The Righteous are bold as a lion…

What does this really mean? It’s a proverb. Proverbs 28:1 says that the wicked flee when no one pursues but the righteous are bold as a lion.

If a believer is told to have meekness then how can we reconcile this with the fact that the righteous are bold as a lion? Easy. Meekness is simply gentleness with authority. That’s it.
So why is it that the righteous are bold as a lion…and that is bold. It’s because they have the authority to be bold…the obligation to be bold. When you are right and holy and in step with God, He gives you the authority to be bold as a lion. Why? It’s because only the the meek are given this authority! A proud man is not a righteous man. He hasn’t been given the authority to be bold as a lion. He’s proud. He stumbles at his own self assertion. His thoughts are not right or he wouldn’t be proud. He runs when no one pursues. Biblical pride is this: disobedience to God. Period. That is God’s definition of pride. How can we spot it? If you do not have His discernment you won’t be able. You will call authority, pride. But if you do have discernment, you’ll spot it because it will be right. Your spirit will say, that’s right.

Now consistent with this thought are other proverbs that tell us that it is an abomination to treat the wicked with honor. Can we hear that? It is an abomination to treat the wicked with honor.

Why? First of all it’s a lie. God hates lies. It is deceptive to treat a wicked person with honor. What are we doing when we do such a thing? We are lying. We are elevating wickedness. We are honoring wickedness. Being kind to your enemy is love, it is not honor. God says he hates the evil doer, the wicked. If He hates the evil doer why would anyone honor him? They also hate God, that’s why . The one who honors the wicked, hates God.

This is all we see today. It is in government, schools, churches, all institutions and in the home. It is with extreme ignorance that the church is today honoring wicked social movements and calling them good. God won’t over look it. He hates the evil doer.

God doesn’t use any comparison loosely or lightly. Look at a lion. His boldness comes with authority. He bows to no one. Why? Look at him. He’s a lion. He’s bold. What gives him the authority? His creator has. He has made him such. Everything about that lion that makes him bold, his God formed it in him. It is God’s work, therefore it stands. He has authority because of it. Look: “The spiritual man judges all things yet is rightly judged by none” ( 1 Corinthians 2:15). The spiritual man in the Bible is the righteous man. He has Christ fully formed in him; sanctified.

Now the wicked are bold in their wickedness but that too, is easily spotted. They are not right. Look at what they are being bold about and that will reveal where their boldness comes from.

Lastly, the righteous have the authority to be bold because good is bold. Good is not half way. It’s good. It’s all good, at all times. These are glorious rewards in the here and now but are foreshadows of the up and coming. Righteousness comes with amazing righteous authority. It shines forth as light.

Thank you Lord Jesus,


They loved not the truth

…So God sent them great delusion that they would believe the lie. If what we see today with the virus, masking up, isolation, economic shut down, social justice lies and blind people pushing deadly vaccines is not the delusion the Bible speaks of ( it could be actually) then it is a conditioning for it.

If you are a true believer and hear from God, you are seeing right through all of this because we have discernment. Look around. Who is believing these lies and scared to death by them? They identify themselves by what they believe.

The ones who are being deceived are not random. They have been sent delusion by God. Why? Because they never received a love for the truth, therefore , God has sent them delusion that they would believe the lie. It is a separating of the sheep and goats so to speak.

2 Thess. 2:10-11

Those who practice the truth… who love the truth, God’s true children, can’t be deceived. But non believers who never received the truth, hate the truth. This is why they don’t believe God. This is why they don’t believe and follow His word. This is why they do not love Jesus Christ, of the Bible. They have invented another christ whom they do love and this christ obeys them. They love him. But he is an imposter. Therefore they are sent delusion by God and will believe the lie.

Mark 13:6. “Many will come in my name claiming ‘I am He’ deceiving many…”

This virus has been allowed, even brought perhaps by God. He sent all the plagues of Egypt. But Christian doctors who follow truth say it’s completely treatable. What force is being allowed to hide this truth and prevent the treating of it?
They believed the lie because they did not love the truth.

Father open the eyes of the blind that they might see. Let Your truth and power reign from on high and Your Kingdom come , oh Lord.


What is Sanctification?

Sanctification is a heart that is filled with Jesus Christ alone and there is a revulsion, a distaste for, anything that is not of God. In a word. This is it.

In sanctification, this is permanent. There is no going back ever to a desire for or even a tolerance of anything at all that is against God’s will. It is a marvelous work.

Thank you Lord Jesus for this truth. May many read and understand. Amen.

Are there any female angels

Probably. Very likely. How do I know? Let’s look at the Word.

Remember that it is so important to read the word as it is. If God leaves an issue open then we cannot make any determination on that matter but I’ve to let it be.

Here is an example: Nowhere in the Word does God say all angels are male. But the best teachers teach that they are. We can’t do that. If God doesn’t say it, we can’t say it.

Just because there are none mentioned (but I see there are two female angels possibly) we cannot presume that they don’t exist. If it were so He would tell us.

Zechariah 5:9 mentions two women who have wings and are flying. They are transporting wickedness that is in a basket and taking that basket to Shinar (Babylon).
1-It’s a vision but we cannot presume these are just symbolic. They are very likely actual female beings.

2-They are women who have wings and are flying. They are flying above the earth and below heaven. This is the realm of angel activity both good and evil.

3- Only angels fly.

4-They have wings of a stork. A stork is spoken of in the Bible as being pious (dutiful, reverencing God). A stork is spoken of as dwelling in fir trees. Fir trees are high and produce much fruit.

5- This is enough evidence to open the door of possibility that there are indeed female angels.
We shall find out one day!!

In Jesus’ name,


A Debased Mind

Also called a reprobate mind. Romans 1:28 tells us about this. It is only mentioned once in the Bible. God gives the lost over to a reprobate mind.
To my knowledge, there is only one absolute, sure marker or sign that a person has been given over to a reprobate mind. There is only one condition it’s so bad. What is it… They agree with same sex unions and intimate behavior… things only permitted between one man and one woman, married. I won’t write the words here because censors would block it. Hopefully this will get through.
How can we look at a person we know well and know if they are saved or lost? That’s God’s business. But He tells us one way. If they side with this, they have a reprobate mind.
God says that the righteous hate what God hates and love what God loves. A person indwelt by the Holy Spirit cannot side here with the topic. If they do, they show they are lost. If a person does not have the Spirit of God, they are none of His.

If a person sides with this condition in Romans, they are none of His. Scary.

A believer is not permitted to remain silent here. Jesus Christ delivers from this sin.

In His glorious name,


Are you afflicted?

Do you know why? Are you getting any relief? Consider this:

It’s 12/19/2020. It seems like the Lord could return at any moment. Bible prophecy is unfolding before our eyes.

If you are a mature believer, walking in the Spirit, and still these days are very difficult? This could be why: Jesus could be keeping the raptured Bride ready for departure. It’s true. Sometimes He allows affliction to keep us from sin and folly.

Better is the day of mourning than the day or laughter.

Amen Lord.

Today has enough trouble in it. Just get through this day righteously.

Have you come to God today in desperate need of help? Has He answered? He very often does. Has He not? Sit still then. If He hasn’t said what you were thinking He would, just listen to what He has said then. It’s all you need for today.

That’s a restful thought… and it is always this rest we seek. Therefore your rest is always there if you are in Christ.

Thank you Lord. I’ve encouraged myself for now in You. Amen.

King Cyrus

Who was he? The Bible says he was king of Persia. But wait! Ezra 5:5 says he was King of Babylon! Which is it!

Both! He was indeed king of Persia but he was the very king who conquered Babylon. Once he did, he declared himself king of Babylon! Ah. So simple.
Thank You Lord.

If we have around 3.5 years left…

before the Bride of Christ is raptured, then today is the day to consecrate your life to God if you are a believer, and to let Him sanctify you. If that’s the case, we only have 3.5 years to have an effect on our eternal state. What will we do in the millennium? Who will we be? We need to think about that. Once the Bride is caught up, that’s it. There are no more chances to be of use to Him. There are no more chances to gain treasure in Heaven. No more time to redeem; its finished.

There is a difference between consecrating ourselves to God ( not talked about much today) and sanctification. I would say that consecration is a place in the heart where I have set my mind, without waver or change to follow Jesus with my whole heart, mind and soul. Sanctification is that desire set in motion then sealed…worked out.

It is the sanctified who are raptured. These will be the Bride of Christ. If the peace deal signed this year, 2020 with Israel is the one mentioned in the Bible, then we have 3.5 years before the wrath begins. Today is the day to abode in Christ and bear fruit. Won’t you set your heart to do that today? Time is short.



It’s sort of an old-fashioned word. It’s a Biblical word; a Biblical concept no matter the word used.
God is always using this concept. I was listening to Missler and he made a wonderful observation concerning two other similar words.
He spoke of retaliation for a wrong done and retribution for a wrong done. The first is worldly and vindictive and the second is Godly and righteous. The first is a payback. The second is just.

So it brought another word to my mind: recompense. It is altogether different. I found myself asking the Lord for recompense and paused to wonder where that word came from. I didn’t know if I had the right word but God knew what I was asking for. I did not want a payback. I did not even want justice as that didn’t apply. But I longed for recompense. That is, I longed for God to come in and bless me in a big way that would undo the evil done to me and give me something to make up for the pain inflicted. That is beautiful recompense. God loves it. He says it all through His word. He says it is right to do it and He Longs to do it. My friends. He has done it so many times in my life.

It is a means of encouraging the believer who is the object of affliction from all angles on this walk. We are told that all who walk upright in Christ Jesus will be afflicted and oppressed. It’s so true. Now That won’t happen to worldly believers. They aren’t afflicted really because they are not at enmity with the world, therefore they don’t get punched as often. Maybe for doing wrong, they do but not by the enemy for doing what is right.

Retribution is something God returns upon the head of the offender, but recompense is a blessing, a gift that falls upon the afflicted, in payment for their affliction.

So remember that God recompenses the one who endures affliction. Look around…You’ll see it.

Recompense. It’s a beautiful word. Thank You Lord.
