Planted in the Likeness of His Death…

If we have been planted in the likeness of Jesus’ death, only then can we also be raised as He was in His resurrection. This is what Paul said in Romans 6:5

When I am freshly saved or born again, same thing, I am in a future certainty, raised with Him. He will resurrect all who believe. But when?

In this spot as in countless others in the word, we see that Jesus had do die in order to be resurrected. So do we. But we are talking about “planted in His likeness”. The old man has to be planted if he wants to be raised. He has to die like Jesus if he wants to be raised new like Jesus.

A believer has to be planted ( meaning the seed dies and is planted in the ground) in order to be raised new.

How many believers are walking around unplanted? A lot. Most. They won’t be raptured if they are alive when the rapture comes. They will have to be planted in death as He was before that can happen. So they will be resurrected, but only after they endure the wrath of the Lamb during the last 3.5 years, which will plant them. They will be beheaded and be planted, then resurrected after the second coming of Christ.

Those believers who walk in their old ways and remain in old habits won’t hear His call at the rapture. You have to be planted in the likeness of His death to be raised up.

All those that died before then a physical death will rise up in the resurrection at the rapture. They were literally planted in death.

But Romans 12 tells us that God desires a living sacrifice of believers. That means we die while alive and are planted in death while alive. We submit and are changed.

There is no wonder that the things which are hard to understand in the word are kept from the disobedient. Their disobedience blinds them. They cannot hear.
They have spent their time bolstering the flesh rather than dying to self. They cling only to doctrines that build-up the flesh, and reject the doctrine of slaying the old man. They therefore can’t be “planted with Him in His death” because the old man won’t die.

Have mercy on us Lord.


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