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Browsing Tag: Confusion

God is not the Author of Confusion

If your situation gets clouded and confused, rest easy. God is not the author of it. This means that He is not in it. Satan is the author of confusion and catastrophe. God is clear, easy, pleasant and sensible.

If there is a decision you need to make and you have gone back and forth with it, something is wrong. Remember that God is perfect. He doesn’t play guessing games. He doesn’t change His mind. He doesn’t give you direction or an answer and then change course or re plan. We do that. This is confusion. So if God has answered a prayer and has opened doors and directed you, keep on that path. If you hem and haw and go back and forth Then you are not listening to God and are going your own way. You can be sure that if you look at your decision to go against the answer you got from Him, and your reasoning for that decision to change, it is against His word and His will. Be sure of it.
There are extreme situations for sure. And God can change a path that He knew all along he would change. But if you change your decision after you have heard from Him, look at your reason for changing. If that reason does not align with God’s word, with God’s will, you are choosing the wrong direction. God’s answers will always be in accordance with His word. If we ignore what God told us, then choose a path that suits our desires that go against His, then trouble is coming.

We sadly will reap the confusion we sow. Going back and forth, back and forth, is our own confusion. It is not of God.

Follow Him. All His ways are light. Stay in the light. We cannot drag God unto our dark ways. He won’t be a participant in our confusion. We have to step into His light…there is no confusion there.
All things, if they are in Christ, are “yes” and in Christ, “amen”.

In Christ Jesus our Lord,
