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Don’t Sell Your Birthright for a Pot of Stew

Selling your birthright for a pot of stew…Esau’s choice.  It was a deadly one.  It is difficult for some to grasp the magnitude of God stating that Esau He hated; and it should be.  It should give us all pause.  We can’t get around it.  God says He hated Esau.  God does hate.  He is love but He hates evil.  He hates all that is against His holiness and love.  Esau chose that which showed he hated God.  There was no remedy and this is why God gives His judgment here.  He sees the end from the beginning remember, so He saw that Esau wanted the lowly pleasures of the flesh, having no regard for or desire for the gifts of God.  And these gifts were freely available to him, that’s why God says that it was his birthright he rejected.

All who are created, that is, flesh born, the first birth, have the right, because they were born, to grab hold of God’s offer for salvation through faith.  To deny Christ and rather live in the flesh is to reject your birthright as a human.  God hates it.  Everyone flesh born is written in a book called the Book of Life.  It can only be blotted out when we for good reject Jesus Christ and His forgiveness of sin.  Once we are spirit born (born again as Jesus said) then we are in what is referred to as the Lamb’s Book of Life.  It’s the same book, but it is irreversible because we have been Spirit born…salvation is irreversible.

As the Spirit of God so often does, we see some hyperbole here with the pot of stew.  Hyperbole is very effective in communicating severe truths.  Esau chose a  pot of stew because it satisfied his immediate fleshly craving to fill his gut.

There are hearts that will always choose the low road, the easy one, the path of least resistance, because they have no regard for God and what He desires for all.   His desire is that we first are spirit born.  But then He desires that the fullness of Christ would be formed in us.  We delay and even stunt that maturing and transforming into the image of God, by putting fleshly choices and ways above the right choice; God’s ways.

If you are a non believer, today, reject the worthless pot of stew which is being your own God and living for the flesh.  Rather, choose Jesus.  Your heart already knows He is God and that His word is true.  God said you know it deep down.  Grab hold of the higher, the good, the perfect.  Enter eternal life and know God.  This is what He loves.

***A side note here: Esau was the father of the Amalekites, who were a Nephilim tribe…Esau’s son, Eliphaz was Amelek’s father. So, Esau’s grandson was Amelek, the tribe God instructed Saul to totally obliterate. Any people group that God ordered obliterated, incuding women, children and animals, were Nephilim tribes…demonic hybrids. This is the primary reason God hated Esau. He married a Canaanite woman, Adah, who was the daughter of Elon, the Hittite. Esau forsook God and mingled his flesh with Nephilim hybrids.

Bible References for the text above:

Genesis 25:29-34, Malachi 1:3, Psalm 11:5 (His soul hates the wicked…those who choose to remain lost and reject Christ), Romans 9:13 (He hated Esau in the womb because He knew Esau would never desire God but would always reject his birthright, salvation, Romans 11:29 (salvation is His gift and it is irrevocable…can’t lose it), John 3:1-21 (being born again), Ephesians 4:13 (fullness in Christ), Roman 1-2 (every heart created knows there is a God and has His truth written on the heart so that when he hears the gospel he knows it’s true). Genesis 36, whole chapter (Esau’s mingled flesh). Genesis 6 (the account of fallen angels marrying human women and producing a hybrid offspring, the Nephilim.