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Old Age Isolation

Can be a mercy of God. I have seen something I’d like to share as both an exhortation to dwell in Christ and a warning if we don’t.
I have seen a tool God uses. If someone is a believer but has spent their whole lives in lukewarm ways, He will separate them and isolate them in old age in order to get their attention so that inheritance won’t be lost in Heaven.

It is not God’s will that a believer grows old and is left in silence and isolation, but we see it everywhere. Why? It is because God is merciful.

God desires that a believer grows old and is filled with His wisdom. If they are He will put it to use. He will surround that person with other people so they can share that wisdom gained through a life spent following God. They have so much to share and so many blessings to give. But if they have lived a fruitless life filled with worldliness and confusion then He could very likely isolate them so He can at least teach them something.

A believer who is stubborn enough and worldly enough to give God the back seat through their whole lives, will either see early death or extreme isolation and stillness in old age.

We reap what we sow. It is God’s mercy that does this. There are rewards in Heaven that will be lost of this person doesn’t sit still and know God.
Don’t be one of these. It is a sad, unnecessary scene. God doesn’t want to put someone in isolation. He sees that for some it is better for eternal rewards sake that He does isolate them.

While you are young, while you are healthy, while your cup is full or even empty, seek God!!!
With all thy getting get understanding. Seek Him while He May be found of you. Seek Him now so He doesn’t have to bind you hand and foot and throw you in prison. What treasures we forfeit here and now by not making Him alone our all in all.

Be still TODAY and know that He is God. If you wait till tomorrow who knows what is coming. Don’t bring unnecessary pain and sorrow upon your life because you just didn’t care that much about God. My oh my, what you are missing.
Seek Him today with your whole heart while He can be found. We don’t know what tomorrow brings. We don’t know what this evening brings. He is coming soon.

Come quickly Lord Jesus!
