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Browsing Tag: New Jerusalem

What is the Millenium?

It’s the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth after the Second Coming of Christ. We are given a glimpse of it beginning in Revelation 20.

Here are a few things we know from the prophets about this wonderful time just around the corner:

Most Christians have not studied Bible prophecy or don’t think much about what God wants us to be schooled in…Bible prophecy. Therefore they do not even know or have not thought about the fact that after Jesus returns in wrath at the second coming, He will usher in a period of 1000 years where He will rule and reign the earth with a rod of iron, with His saints…the raptured, Bride of Christ. But He will. And we who are raptured also will.

After the last 7 years Satan will be bound in the pit for 1000 years while the earth that has been cleansed with fire will be repopulated and made into many nations and people’s once again. The difference now is that Jesus will dwell here in person and rule these nations and we will as well.

For many reasons, I believe that just like Noah , the earth will be repopulated with the nation Israel, one family, who came through as believers, the wrath. As in the days of Noah…” We will rule and reign with Him as kings and priests in our resurrected bodies. Just like Noah and his family repopulated the earth after the flood, so will believing Israel.

This is not yet Heaven or our eternal manner of dwelling. Satan is bound in the pit and therefore has zero influence on the world for evil.

We don’t see the New Heavens and the New Earth until after this 1000 period where Satan is released for a brief moment only to be thrown forever into eternal torment and cast away for ever. The Bible clearly seems to say that the center of the earth is this pit of eternal fire and damnation. Satan is cast there, then that old earth is cast away into oblivion forever.
After the 1000 year reign of Christ, there will be a very brief battle including Satan, he is tossed away forever, then we see NEW JERUSALEM coming down from Heaven as a bride adorned for her husband…The Church and the city are both called Brides.

All of the descriptions of Heaven, I see, are of New Jerusalem only and not of the new earth. Not all, most. It seems that the New Jerusalem is almost a planet of its own in close proximity to the new earth but is gated and only accessible to God and His Bride, the Church. This Church is made up of Jew and Gentile alike…but not the nation Israel who come through the wrath. I do believe that they will dwell on the New Earth. The Bride, both Jew and Gentile, will dwell with God in NEW JERUSALEM. The people’s that came through the 1000 year reign of Christ, are only allowed into New Jerusalem on certain days of celebration. They cannot draw near to God like the Bride can.

We see in Revelation that after this NEW JERUSALEM comes down from Heaven and hovers just over the earth, that there are gates. We also see that all who knew and followed the Lamb dwell inside. Those who followed idols and never died to self, can only draw near at certain times. When the gates are closed they cannot enter.

That’s enough of an outline to start. We can fill in more details next time. Until then, if you read this…consider it. Study it. Know it. You see what is said. May the Father count you approved in your study. He delights to tell these things.
The Spirit and the Bride say, come. Who are they talking to? Are they asking Jesus to come? No. Though we do ask Him to come and quickly. All who are thirsty, come…

This is an invitation to all created to come to Jesus and dwell in NEW JERUSALEM, where the streets are made of gold, where there is no sun because the glory of God is the light, where the water is clear running gold…

More next time, in Christ Jesus our Lord,
