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A People in Darkness have seen a Great Light

Hello to all on my email list. I hope I am not intruding on any of you this morning with this message concerning this great light. But it is so good and so uplifting that I felt compelled to send it to all.

This morning as I was reading Mark’s gospel, I came to the glorious “magnificat’. Hope I spelled that right. For those of you who don’t know, it is Mary’s song as she quoted Hannah’s prayer to the LORD when Hannah found out she was to have a child. Mary exalts God when she meets with her cousin Elizabeth, who is also to have a very special child…as is she.
Mary says “for He that is mighty has done to me great things…!”

Many months ago I was asked by someone the meaning of a very obscure scripture. I took it to the Lord because it was also quite obscure to me. The scripture is found in 1 Timothy 2:15. Paul says that a woman shall be saved in childbearing.

Here is what I discovered, and it is so wonderful that I am moved this morning, as we draw near to Resurrection Sunday, to share what I found.

When I read 1 Timothy 2:15, I was taken by the Spirit immediately to two other scriptures. The first was the account of the fall, when Eve was deceived and sin entered the world. We know the Word says that Adam sinned because he was not deceived and chose to disobey God anyway, but keep in mind that it was through Eve that deception came and then sin entered in.

Isn’t it magnificent then that God chose the woman to bring forth the Messiah, the remedy to sin!!! How gracious is He! “Oh God, in wrath remember mercy!”
The second scripture was Jeremiah 31:22, which says: ” the LORD has created a new thing in the earth. A woman shall compass a man…”.

I believe these scriptures are all tied together and speak a glorious truth. Woman shall be saved in childbearing (this is the new thing Jer. was talking about; a woman shall encompass a man). In other words, Messiah shall come from the woman’s womb…this is how woman is saved in childbearing, and not only she but the world.

Woman was the vehicle from which sin entered the world. Isn’t it God’s merciful way then that she would also be the means by which the Savior of the world would enter in!

“Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bring forth a Son…A people in darkness have seen a great light…for unto us a child is born” (Isaiah 7-9).

Be blessed,