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Browsing Tag: Superstition


There is no place for superstition of any kind in the life of a believer in Jesus Christ.

A superstition is anything we apply an unnamed force to. That is a superstition…When a person says “oh no I knew if I said that it would happen”.

That person has just been a worshiper of the god of forces because they have attached power to a force and the force isn’t God.

The only other force there is, proceeds from the god of forces, and the Bible says this is Satan.

The scary thing is this: God hates superstition so much that He calls it an idol. It is an idol because we attach a power to it and recognize it as such.

A huge one I have seen in the Church is one who attaches power to words with the word doctrine. This is Buddhism, new age mysticism. Here is how I’ve seen it done: they will believe that their words ( not God’s word, but their own spoken words) have power to create an action. This is worshiping the god of forces.

God says in Ezekiel 14 that those who worship idols will be given over to those idols and He will cause them to believe the lie even more. Here’s how it is seen in Ezekiel and exactly the same in the church today:

The women in Ezekiel who said they worshiped the true God but also the queen of heaven, continued worshiping the queen of heaven because when they did, they made cakes for her as an offering, they were blessed. When they “left off “ worshiping idols, they were not blessed.

“…He answered them according to their idols…”. In other words, what they believed, He gave accordingly. And this causes them to believe it all the more because they even said, yes we are worshiping idols but we are blessed when we do and not blessed when we don’t, therefore we worship them…

But God says in the entire Bible that He opens the eyes of the ones who have hearts to see and He closes the eyes of those who don’t want to see.

He gives wisdom to those who understand and He blinds those who have no understanding. It is 100% willful blindness and He gives them over to it. They then fall deeper and deeper into superstition and farther and farther from God.

God said that He was behind it because He was causing their hearts that chose deception in the form of idol worship, to believe even more strongly that the idol worked.

In the church I see that a believer who has been deceived by the word doctrine, is deceived even more by it because God will allow it to appear to them that words really do cause events. I’ve seen it over and again.

It should rather be seen for what it is, and that is a prophetic word spoken. The event happened because maybe it was a prophecy…A statement in advance of what God already determined would happen.

The idol worshiper will believe the reverse and because they do, they are deceived more and more because what they said seems to come true. They attach the power to the word spoken rather than two other possibilities: either it was prophetic or God sent deeper deception as a consequence of the grievous sin of worshiping the god of forces.


A superstitious person will say: I knew if I mentioned that it was sure to happen. This is so bad. They actually believe that the event happened because they said it. They worship the god of forces and the only way out of the deception is to repent and to stop believing that lie.

The minute they stop believing that lie they will not see the whole thing happen ever again.

I never see something happen because I said it and I shouldn’t have. For example: I have never said I hope it won’t rain today, and saw it rain and said, if only I hadn’t said anything about that the rain…

I don’t believe in the god of forces. That’s why I never see it. If I believed in the god of forces then God would arrange events so that my deception would increase.

This is not cruel. It is just. Superstition is complete and utter godlessness in every way. There’s is no room for gentleness here.

Why on earth do people cross their fingers and believe that there is some force generated by crossing those fingers and that good will happen because they have crossed their fingers? Horrible abominable God says, superstition, idol worship.

And they will do this rather than uttering a prayer to the one true God who does move events when we ask!!! They ignore Him who is true and latch on to, and easily, easily believe the god of forces. Absolutely unbelievable.

God have mercy on us.
