The Economy

I was watching FOX Business channel yesterday and heard an economist speaking briefly about the state of our economy here in the USA but also in the world. Today is 5/8/2019

He said that all the known economic models are not being followed. He said there is a component that is a mystery right now that is causing all the models to not make sense.

We as Christians know what that component is but the world doesn’t know. It is God. He decides all things. He will allow an economy to rise or fall based solely on His will and plan.

He tells us to not store up gold and silver (money) in the time of trouble but instead to store up righteousness. In a downed economy, the only thing that will spend is the righteousness that you have stored up.

I’ve seen it first hand without fail for the 25 years I’ve known and followed Jesus Christ. He defies logic…not just sometimes but every single time.

What is stored up righteousness? Right living. Right thinking. Walking in uprightness in even the small things. This will spend better than gold and silver and especially in times of trouble, famine.

So there is a very mysterious component to the economies of the world. There is a currency that few know about. It’s God’s currency…righteousness.