The seed of the woman

In Genesis 3, we see the judgement and prophecy concerning the seed of the woman. This is a reference to the virgin birth, Missler says and is correct, because women do not have seed. This is clearly Eve who would be the one through whom the Savior of the world would come…that is, the woman, not the man. Why? because she is the one through whom sin entered the human race. The Redeemer, who is always redeeming, then determined that she then would be redeemed by giving birth, that is, her child bearing role would allow her to be the one who Jesus would have to enter the world through. He is the seed of the woman. She is saved through child-bearing. That is, she, as a sinner because she is of mankind, will be saved as that sinner because she will be the one who bears children. Therefore she will be saved (along with all mankind) because the Messiah will become a man through her womb. In other words, mankind will be saved because God will become a man to save mankind, to die for his sins…but she will be the bearer of mankind through her womb. What honor. But it’s the only way.

The seed of the woman would crush Satan’s head… and He will. He already has and we will see it completed soon.

I show you a mystery…a woman shall encompass a man. This is the same reference. Now this is a reference to Eve because it’s the woman who would give birth to Jesus and not the man…obviously. God had to become a man to redeem man. only a like kind creature can die for the sins of that creature.

Now Mary was chosen as the actual woman to give birth to Him and be His mother. She is only His mother to Him in His role as the man child. She is not the mother of God because God has no mother. He has no beginning.

We see Jesus begin to reveal this to Mary at the wedding at Cana. He calls her woman. He is distancing Himself from her now. He is trying to show her and us that She is the woman in the Genesis 3 prophecy.
He is declaring to her that He is Messiah, and God. But when He says “woman” to Mary, He is declaring that she is the seed of the woman.

At the cross He does it again. He calls her. He doesn’t call her mother or Mary. He calls her “woman”. He then says to the apostle John, this is your mother. Jesus was handing her over to him. Her role in the seed of the woman prophecy was over. Fulfilled. He is God and He is showing her that. She is the woman in the seed of the woman prophecy and He is that seed. He is God…the man child of Revelation, God become man…Emanuel. It is accomplished and her role is fulfilled.

Glory to God in the highest.

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