The Two Shall Become One Flesh, continued…

Ahhh! One last thought till next time. I forgot to emphasize that everything God does is always the plan from the beginning. Nothing is ever a correcting or a new plan fixing the old. He is perfect and does not make mistakes. So it is incorrect to look at Adam and to say, ah, if he only had not sinned, he would have been God’s perfect companion.
Absolutely , no. God knew it would all play out just as it did.

We can understand through pattern, that only one way works. That there is only and has only ever been ONE way. It has always been the one plan.

Satan is real but he is a picture of why God’s companion has to be created as free, but WILLFULLY redeemed. Adam, if he never sinned, would always have had the potential to sin, and hence the impossibility to be indwelt , infused with and by God. He could not have been a fruit producing Bride of God, fully able to have God’s heart and Mind. God had to enter the spirit for this. His death which made a way to kill sin, had to occur. He knew it before He created man.

This is all a picture and pattern explaining to us why God had to create a companion with free willed potential to choose Him or sin.

It solidifies the truth that Jesus is the only way to God, to be His bride. Adam and Eve, before the fall, were unsuited. It would have been like mixing oil with water. After the fall, suddenly able, and if redeemed by choice, now suited to be God’s Holy Bride. And they did choose Him! But many did not and will not and they will not be His bride, no matter how loving and kind they are. Adam was very nice and noble. He was created in God’s image with many of his attributes to a degree. But, it stopped there.
Until he sinned and until God died for the sin, Adam was just an intelligent created thing. But once he did, he then turned his heart and will to God, realizing his sin and necessity for redemption, chose God and BOOM, was infused with God, waiting the actual atonement in history, the promise.

Jesus Christ is the only way. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and NO man comes to the Father, except by Him.
