They loved not the truth

…So God sent them great delusion that they would believe the lie. If what we see today with the virus, masking up, isolation, economic shut down, social justice lies and blind people pushing deadly vaccines is not the delusion the Bible speaks of ( it could be actually) then it is a conditioning for it.

If you are a true believer and hear from God, you are seeing right through all of this because we have discernment. Look around. Who is believing these lies and scared to death by them? They identify themselves by what they believe.

The ones who are being deceived are not random. They have been sent delusion by God. Why? Because they never received a love for the truth, therefore , God has sent them delusion that they would believe the lie. It is a separating of the sheep and goats so to speak.

2 Thess. 2:10-11

Those who practice the truth… who love the truth, God’s true children, can’t be deceived. But non believers who never received the truth, hate the truth. This is why they don’t believe God. This is why they don’t believe and follow His word. This is why they do not love Jesus Christ, of the Bible. They have invented another christ whom they do love and this christ obeys them. They love him. But he is an imposter. Therefore they are sent delusion by God and will believe the lie.

Mark 13:6. “Many will come in my name claiming ‘I am He’ deceiving many…”

This virus has been allowed, even brought perhaps by God. He sent all the plagues of Egypt. But Christian doctors who follow truth say it’s completely treatable. What force is being allowed to hide this truth and prevent the treating of it?
They believed the lie because they did not love the truth.

Father open the eyes of the blind that they might see. Let Your truth and power reign from on high and Your Kingdom come , oh Lord.


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