What is an apostle according to the Word of God

Good question! Here is what the Bible says:

1- (1 Corinthians 1:1) An apostle is first called by God with a very specific task in mind. Not all believers are. Most giftedness is broad with lots of flexibility and with many combinations, and maybe a little more undefined.
2- (1 Corinthians 12:28) An apostle has been given the highest spiritual gift. It is listed first for a reason.
3- ( 1 Corinthians 9:1-2) An apostle has seen Jesus Christ, if not when He was on earth, afterwards in a vision or dream or appearance…that’s how Paul, the greatest apostle, saw Him. This is the seal, or proof that one is an apostle.
4- (1 Corinthians 4:9-13) An apostle is esteemed least of all by the body,even though God has called them first, and they have the greatest responsibility.
5- ( Romans 1:1-5) An apostle has been given this gift because they are obedient. They are classically and vehemently non-compromising, at all times, therefore are treated as refuse because they are always caused to irritate and correct. (1 Corinthians 12:22-23) The highest gift is esteemed least, and the least gifts are esteemed Highest. This is God’s will.
6- An apostle is most likely gifted with some administrative abilities but not always. That is delegated sometimes. An administrator is not necessarily an apostle. We see Paul behind the scenes giving instruction to those who would administer those instructions. Good deligators. We see the churches in the Bible being run by local stationary believers with supervisory tasks and abilities. The first apostles appear to have been more mobile with no permanent location (1 Corinthians 4:11, no certain dwelling place).
7- An apostle is always a prophet, but not all prophets are apostles. Too many scriptures to list, but we see every apostle called a prophet and possessing a prophet’s gifts. This is the office of prophet, an apostle. (Romans 11:13) Paul magnified his office.
8- The office of apostle has always been. The gift as never been suspended or in need of coming back since the Lord first called His apostles. (1 Corinthians 13:10) the gifts will cease only “when that which is perfect has come”. Paul meant the return of Christ here. So when Jesus returns to rule and reign on earth during the 1000 years, the gifts will cease because there will be no need for them. They have never ceased…this is false teaching.
9- (1 Corinthians 4:15) An apostle does not always have to be a man. Paul once referred to the believers in this office as “fathers” but he nowhere excludes the possibility that women also may hold this office if the Spirit sees fit. However, she still is not permitted to “teach” men in a church setting, where she could usurp mans’ authority…even a believing man who might be less gifted and newer in faith. God’s order prevails (1 Timothy 2:12). This is so critical that it is called a commandment of Christ. (1 Corinthians 14:37). Paul says if a man thinks he is spiritual and does not adhere to this teaching then he is not a prophet or spiritual.
10- An apostle is heavily gifted with every spiritual gift because of their obedience. Obedience forms the fullness of Christ in us and Jesus fully possesses every trait the gifts embody.

1 Corinthians describes an apostle: He or she is:
1-set forth as last
2- made a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men
3- fools for Christ so that others can be made wise
4- are weak so that others can be made strong
5- despised so others can be made honorable
6- can be seemingly destitute though clearly Paul is using some hyperbole
7- mal-treated
8- no certain dwelling place…non-local
9- labor, working with their hands
10- hated but bless in return
11- persecuted, suffer
12- defamed, yet plead with and beg in exhortation
13-considered the trash of the world and are rubbed off, as it were

Who does this sound like? Jesus Christ. An apostle has allowed God to make him one with Christ, in God. Hidden. Hidden ones. They have grown, through obedience to Christ after the second birth, into the measure of the stature of the fullness in Christ. Paul said,
“I now therefore take up in my flesh, that which is lacking in the afflictions of Christ for the sake of the body which is the church”.

This is a true apostle